Our research activities

Reforms of procedural rules: Evaluation of chosen topics (Osijek, 15 - 16 September 2016)

Zagreb project members participated in Inter-department meeting and seminar "Reforms of procedural rules: Evaluation of chosen topics" which was organised by Faculty of Law, Osijek from 15 to 16 September 2016. The meeting included representatives of departments for civil procedure of all four Croatian law faculties. Seminar was also joined by representatives of Osijek courts, coordinators of working groups, lawyers and other practitioners, both domestic and international.

The program of the meeting can be found on this link.


Arbitration and Court Litigation: Cross-Fertilization or Complementarity?

Annual Public and Justice IUC course was organized by team members of the Project from 23 to 27 May 2016 in Dubrovnik. The specific topic of this year's course was "Arbitration and Court Litigation - Cross-Fertilization or Complementarity?". Last day was reserved for special panel on law clinics, with special emphasis on financial and organizational challenges. More than 70 participants contributed to this year's conference.

Full program of the conference can be found here. Special program devoted to clinical legal education can be found here.

Also see the official photo gallery.

More information about Public and Private Justice seminar can be found on the official website.


Transformation of civil justice in Croatia and region: In memoriam Srećko Zuglia

The conference "Transformation of civil justice in Croatia and region: In memoriam Srećko Zuglia (1888 - 1969)" was organized as one of project activities in Gračišće from 28 to 30 April 2016. 

Prof. dr. sc. Srećko Zuglia was one of the founders of modern legal science in the field of civil justice in the Faculty of Law, Zagreb. He was born in Istra, in village Čulja, municipality Gračišće. He completed his education in Pazin, Vienna and Zagreb and started his career as a trainee and judge in Pula, Rovinj, Trst, Tuzla, Sarajevo and Zrenjanin. He was one of the rare scholars in the field of civil procedure that published a monograph dealing with organization of civil justice system, along with general commentaries and textbooks.

The conference dealt with three sets of topics:

1. Organization of judiciary, with special emphasis on criteria for nomination of judicial officials

2. Role of Supreme Court, with special emphasis on changes since Zuglia's days

3, Efficency of civil justice, with special emphasis on alternative dispute resolution methods and free legal aid. 

Along with all of the project members and distinguished guests (Supreme Court judges, members of the State Judiciary Council), the conference was attended by local judges and professionals. 

The gallery of the conference can be found here. For list of participants see here and for full program (Croatian only) see this link.


Guest lectures of the Principal Investigator in Milano and ELI Meeting in Rome

Prof. Uzelac as the Principal Investigator in the project, gave guest lectures throughout April 2016 within Jean Monnet Module on European civil procedure in a comparative and transnational perspective which was organised by Università degli Studi di Milano. The topics covered by the Principal investigator were:

  • The Common Law and Civil Law Divide: an Historical PerspectiveAdjudication and State Sovereignty: the Goal of Civil Justice in the Different Legal Traditions,
  • The Main Components of a Judicial System (the Role, Powers and Obligations of Judges, Lawyers and Parties) in a Comparative Perspective, and
  • Summary andFast-Track Proceedings


He also participated in ELI Steering Committee and Co-Reporters  – Joint Meeting in Rome from 21 to 22 April 2016. The program can be found here.


Max Planck Institute Conference From common rules to best practices in European Civil Procedure

The core group (prof. Uzelac, prof. van Rhee and prof. Silvestri), as well as PhD candidates Marko Bratković and Juraj Brozović participated in the Conference From common rules to best practices in European Civil Procedure from 25 to 26 February 2016, organized by Erasmus School of Law and the Max Planck Institute or European, International and Regulatory Procedural Law in Luxembourg.

The conference focused on how to move beyond common rules and towards best practices that give body to mutual trust and judicial cooperation, which can in turn feed the further development of the European civil procedure framework from the bottom up.

