Our research activities

Final Project Conference (Varaždin, 11 December 2018)

On 11 December 2018, project team members organized the final project conference entitled "Planned reforms of civil justice system: Comprehensive project or rushed steps without adequate analysis". The conference, which was organized in the north of Croatia, in historical Croatian capital Varaždin, was attended by distiguished scholars, practictioners and the representatives of Ministry of Justice.

The conference was divided into three topis: reform of second appeal, other reforms of civil procedure and announced enforcement reforms. At the end of the conference, the Principal Investigator, Prof. Dr. Uzelac, presented the results of the project. 

The program of the conference can be found here.


Evidence in the process (Salamanca, 17 - 19 October 2018)

Prof. Dr. Alan Uzelac, Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Maganić, Dr. Marko Bratković and Juraj Brozović participated in the the 2nd Joint Conference of the International Association of Procedural Law and the Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Procesal named which was organized within the premises of University of Salamanca from 17 to 19 October 2018. The topic of the conference was "Evidence in the process". Powers of the judge in evidence proceedings, evidentiary areements, burden of proof, assesment of evidence, witness evidence, presumptions, electronic evidence and evidence in arbtration were some of the topics discussed during the conference.

The official website of the conference can be found here.


European Civil Procedure: Current Issues and Future Challenges

After participating in a meeting of international project members in Pavia, Prof. Dr. Alan Uzelac participated in the conference "European Civil Procedure: Current Issuesand Future Challenges" which was organized from 4 to 5 October 2018 by University of Milano.

The program of the conference can be found here.


New project book published by Springer

As the result of the four-year project financed by Croatian Science Foundation, project members published a new edited book that directly reflects its findings and results. The book "Transformation of Civil Justice. Unity and Diversity", edited by Prof. Dr. Alan Uzelac and Prof. Dr. C.H. van Rhee, represents an innovative approach to comparative civil procedure and offers an extensive analysis of the convergence of civil justice systems and their problems.

Eight project members published their papers within the book, covering a variety of topics explored during four years.

The book can be ordered here.


International Academy of Comparative Law General Congress (22-28 July 2018)

Prof. Uzelac participated in the 20th Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law that was held from 22 to 28 July 2018 in Fukuoka. The conference covered a variety of topics in the field of comparative law, accompanied by thematic workshops and round tables. The specific topic of this year's conference was "New Technology, the Innovation Economy and the Law". 

The program of the conference can be found here.

