International Colloquium on Procedural Law and Reconciliation

Prof. dr. Alan Uzelac, Marko Bratković and Juraj Brozović participated in Colloquium on Reconciliation and Procedural Law in Bogota from 5 to 7 October 2016. The conference was organised by International Association of Procedural Law, Universidad Externado de Colombia and Instituto Colombiano de derecho procesal. The aim of the conference was to discuss the relation between reconciliation and civil and criminal procedural law, especially having in mind recent developments in Colombia.

During the conference, prof. dr. Uzelac gave lecture and report regarding the issue of settling non-state conflicts whilst guaranteeing due process of law and protecting disadvantaged groups of people, with special emphasis on litigation stemming from land dispossession and forced displacement.

The program of the conference can be found on this link.